Our Board Certified Psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioners work to prescribe medications to clients with the most up to date medications for each diagnosis.
Our providers meet with clients to go over current and past medical histories as well as mental health diagnosis to best treat the illness and allow for the client to live life to their fullest potential.
Licensed practical nurses are available to answer questions about dosage, side effects, or complications with other medications. Clinics run Monday through Friday and medication questions are handled at the end of each work day.
Nurse Practitioners
Chrysalis Health Ohio has Nurse Practitioners who provide medication management services along with our Board Certified Psychiatrists. They work in collaboration with the psychiatrists in all areas of the agency; adult, youth and addiction medicine.
Chrysalis Health Ohio is the only community behavioral health agency in the Ohio Valley to provide one-on-one, in-person medication management treatment with Board Certified Psychiatrists. Psychiatry services are provided by two adult psychiatrists, one child psychiatrist, and one
Addiction Medicine physician.