Substance Use
One of our community’s greatest challenges is helping those of us suffering with substance use conditions such as drug and/or alcohol use or dependency. Many of those we love are additionally struggling with mental health issues, which occur simultaneously for these individuals. Chrysalis Health Ohio is committed to providing an empathetic, compassionate, and integrated approach to helping them make healthy, positive changes and improve their lives.
At Chrysalis Health Ohio, we use evidenced-based, best practice treatment models to help people make changes in problematic behavior. We are committed to guiding individuals to become prepared, determined, and successful throughout the predictable, yet difficult, path and process of change.
Our substance use programs provide comprehensive services to children, adolescents, adults and families. After thorough assessment to determine treatment needs, an individualized treatment plan is developed. Our therapists and counselors provide individual, and/or family counseling based upon the individual's needs and the program in which they are participating.
Chrysalis Health Ohio has developed an integrated and compassionate approach to substance use counseling, which includes a focus on the stages of change, relapse prevention planning, information and education, life skills development, and building social support systems.

We are dedicated to helping individuals
heal from substance abuse.
We provide accurate, age-appropriate information concerning drugs and alcohol to each individual suffering from addictions. For pre-teens and teens, we work to normalize healthy curiosity, risk-taking behaviors and the natural adolescent desire to become more independent of their caretakers. We provide a formal assessment that includes a look at risk and protective factors within the context of each individual’s use. This helps each client understand their use on a continuum of severity from non-use to dependent use.
Counseling Services
We offer a wide variety of substance use counseling programs and services to meet your needs.
Individual substance use counseling is our most common treatment approach. Our services are designed to help people experiencing challenges in their lives ranging from adjustments to life stressors, to difficulty in daily functioning, to more significant behavioral and/or emotional concerns.
Substance use can have significantly damaging effects on an entire family. Family counseling can help address affected relationships, help in changing family dynamics, and provide better understanding on how to better support someone struggling with substance use. Family counseling may include parents, siblings, children, relatives, or others relevant to the psychological health of one’s family.
The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) enables the client to participate in an intensive treatment program 3-4 days a week while maintaining their responsibilities at work and at home. The program hours coincide with school hours to accommodate clients with school-aged children. These services include assessment, group education, individual, group, and family therapy, case management, and urine screening. Our relapse prevention group focuses on the needs of persons establishing an ongoing recovery program.

Addiction and Recovery: SELF Discovery,
A Chrysalis Health Empowerment Program
Our Self Discovery, A Chrysalis Health Empowerment Program in downtown Steubenville provides a system of quality services including intervention, and recovery to all clients affected by addiction. Clients receive confidential treatment from qualified professionals who understand the dynamics of addiction and the process of recovery.
A comprehensive continuum of addiction and recovery services includes:
•Suboxone Clinic
•Individual Assessment
•Outpatient Treatment
•Intensive Outpatient Treatment
•Alcohol Awareness Group
•Anger Management Group
•Urinalysis Testing
•Court Intervention
•Women's Trauma Group